Einar Broch Johnsen

Einar Broch Johnsen


University of Oslo


Einar Broch Johnsen is a professor at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. His research interests include programming models and methodology; program specification and modeling; formal methods and associated theory; lightweight analysis, type systems, testing; as well as deductive verification and formal logic. He is active in formal methods for distributed and concurrent systems, including object-oriented and actor languages, manycore computing, cloud computing and digital twins. He is one of the main developers of the ABS modeling language for asynchronous distributed systems and the SMOL programming language for digital twins.

Einar Broch Johnsen has been prominently involved in many national and European research projects. In particular, he was the strategy director of Sirius (2015-2023), a center for research-driven innovation on scalable data access with 8-year funding from the Research Council of Norway. He was the coordinator of the EU FP7 project Envisage (2013-2016) on formal methods for cloud computing and the scientific coordinator of the EU H2020 project HyVar (2015-2018) on hybrid variability systems.

Einar Broch Johnsen is member of IFIP WG2.2 “Formal Description of Programming Concepts”. He was board member of Sintef ICT (2009-2015). He is currently member of the Scientific Council of the dScience centre at UiO, advisory board member of the DIGIT center (Aarhus, DK), board member of Formal Methods Europe, editorial board member of the journals Formal Aspects of Computing, the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, the International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing, and steering committee member of the conference series on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE) and Integrated Formal Methods (iFM). He was general chair of FM 2015 and DisCoTec 2008, and PC chair of FASE 2022, SEFM 2018, TAP 2017, ESOCC 2016, iFM 2013 and FMOODS 2007.


Center for Research-driven Innovation 2015-2023

Sirius Centre for Research-driven Innovation
SIRIUS is a Norwegian Centre for Research-driven Innovation that addresses the problems of scalable data access in the oil & gas industry. The centre combines public funding for basic research with funding from its industry partners into an 8 year programme for industrial innovation.

The SIRIUS researchers are experts in IT technologies, including high-performance and cloud computing, formal methods, database technology, semantic technologies and natural language processing. The centre also includes researchers in the area of working practices involving novel technology.

The centre aims to provide the oil & gas business with better ways to access and use the massive amounts of data that are generated in projects and daily operation. Problems with data access are made more acute by the rise of big data, the internet of things and digitalisation of enterprises. SIRIUS targets these problems using an interdisciplinary approach, as successful innovation depends on the combination of technologies.

The centre is designed to support technological innovation through a portfolio of projects. These projects develop basic technology in laboratory projects and then move the technology through prototypes to pilots in industrial applications. The centre’s intellectual property model is designed to build a core of open knowledge on which commercial applications can be built.

SIRIUS aims to be an intellectual hub for applied industrial IT in South-Eastern Norway. It has dedicated premises in the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo and collaborates widely, both nationally and internationally. Many of the results generated by the centre will also be of relevance outside the oil and gas industry. The centre is therefore also active in communicating and applying its results to other areas such as Healthcare, Manufacturing and Public Administration.

For more information, see the SIRIUS website.


  • einarj@uio.no
  • (+47) 2285 2509
  • Dept. of Informatics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1080, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway
  • Visiting address: Office 8460, Ole-Johan Dahl’s Hus (Gaustadalléen 23B),
    take the elevator to the 8th floor