Feature-Oriented Modelling and Analysis of a Self-Adaptive Robotic System


Improved autonomy in robotic systems is needed for innovation in, e.g., the marine sector. Autonomous robots that are let loose in hazardous environments, such as underwater, need to handle uncertainties that stem from both their environment and internal state. While self-adaptation is crucial to cope with these uncertainties, bad decisions may cause the robot to get lost or even to cause severe environmental damage. Autonomous, self-adaptive robots that operate in uncontrolled environments full of uncertainties need to be reliable! Since these uncertainties are hard to replicate in test deployments, we need methods to formally analyse self-adaptive robots operating in uncontrolled environments. In this paper, we show how feature-oriented techniques can be used to formally model and analyse self-adaptive robotic systems in the presence of such uncertainties. Self-adaptive systems can be organised as two-layered systems with a managed subsystem handling the domain concerns and a managing subsystem implementing the adaptation logic. We consider a case study of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) for pipeline inspection, in which the managed subsystem of the AUV is modelled as a family of systems, where each family member corresponds to a valid configuration of the AUV which can be seen as an operating mode of the AUV’s behaviour. The managing subsystem of the AUV is modelled as a control layer that is capable of dynamically switching between such valid configurations, depending on both environmental and internal uncertainties. These uncertainties are captured in a probabilistic and highly configurable model. Our modelling approach allows us to exploit powerful formal methods for feature-oriented systems, which we illustrate by analysing safety properties, energy consumption, and multi-objective properties, as well as performing parameter synthesis to analyse to what extent environmental conditions affect the AUV. The case study is realised in the probabilistic feature-oriented modelling language and verification tool ProFeat, and in particular exploits family-based probabilistic and parametric model checking.

Formal Aspects of Computing, 2025. To appear..
Juliane Päßler
Juliane Päßler
PhD Student
Maurice H. ter Beek
Maurice H. ter Beek
Senior researcher