The Semantically Reflected Digital Twin.


The ICTAC conference will be held in Lima, Peru, December 04-08, 2023. The conference will be organized by the Universidad de Ingeniería & Tecnología (UTEC). I will give a tutorial on digital twins on December 5..

Digital twin applications use digital artefacts to twin physical systems. The purpose is to continuously mirror the structure and behavior of the physical system, such that users can analyse the physical system by means of the digital twin for e.g., to give support for decision making, for systematic reconfiguration, etc. In this tutorial, we discuss what is a digital twin, and how it can be built in a framework that integrates semantic technology and simulation units. We also discuss how a digital twin can systematically reconfigure over time to mirror a changing physical system.

5 December 2023 9:00 AM
Lima, Peru
Rudolf Schlatte
Rudolf Schlatte
Senior researcher